MCKS Pranic Self Healing Course ®

Ancient Science and Art of Self Healing with Prana (Life Energy)

Pranic Self Healing

T Pranic Self-Healing Course is "experiential," which means that you learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class. During live-online class, you will be explained thoroughly and you will practice the techniques exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce positive results when you finish the course.

MCKS Pranic Self Healing Course

8 Hours

Our body has ability to heal itself, You just need to learn to make use of this ability

by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui (GMCKS)

What will you learn ?

  • What is Pranic Healing and how it works
    You wil learn fundamental principles behind energy healing and how it works.
  • How to feel energy
    You will learn to feel and identify abnormality in enrgy body and different layers in Aura or energy body and chakras.
  • How to heal ourselves of various health ailments
    You will practically try try the self-healing on vairous ailments.
  • How our attitude affects health
    You will learn how our atitude affects health and how to use our attitude for self-healing.
  • Powerful Yogic Breathing Techniques
    your will learn ancient Beathing Techniques (Pranayamas) for increasring prana (energy) level, better health, immunity and self-healing
  • Meditation on Twin Hearts
    You will learn a long hidden powerful meditation technique which activates two important energy centres in our energy body.
  • Meditation on the White Light
    This is one of the most powerful meditation for self-healing which will be taught to you in class.
  • The Five Tibetan Rites for youth and vitality
    These are ancient tibetan buddhist technqiues to increase vitality and vigor. These exercise has capacity to reverse the aging process and bring back the youth.
  • Different aspects of hygiene: Energy, Emotional & Mental
    learn the apsects of higiene beyong physical level.
  • Forgiveness and Stress Relief
    Easy practices to let to deep seed grudge and stress energy.
  • Natural Immunity Boosting Techniques
    Learn to boost your immunity with Prana in the most natural way.

Join us to learn to heal yourself and others.

Basic Pranic Healing teaches you how to use you innate quality to heal. there is healer in every person.