Have you ever experienced a brain freeze while feeling stressed? Or have you ever felt the urge to relentlessly move to and fro because of certain anxiety? 

It’s quite a common phenomenon to have endured these situations especially in today’s time when our lifestyle and circumstances cause our mind to shut down its working because of the excessive load. 

Our mind is easy to get caught in the effect of our impulses. Feeling worried and stressed is a part and parcel of our daily lives which badly affects our mental health. A little anxiety now and then is normal but the occurrence of frequent stress gets accumulated with time which eventually bursts out into an overwhelming reaction which can be quite destructive for the individuals themselves and for the people around them.

It may be difficult to get rid of the stress completely but we can always try out for the ways to calm ourselves down whenever we feel impulsive. Mentioned below are a few general guidelines that you can follow for relaxing your mind to feel normal in an instance. 

Practice Abdominal Breathing: 

Focussing on your breathing is the best and the most effective way of achieving mindfulness. When we practice abdominal breathing, our diaphragm expands which increases the supply of oxygen into our body. Abdominal breathing also relaxes the muscle spasms which help in relieving pressure from the mind and oozes out tension from the brain. 

De-Clutter your surroundings: 

Our surroundings put a major impact on the functioning of our brains. If we live in a cluttered ambiance, it crowds our mind with the excess which slows down its functioning. To speed up the operations of our brain, we must first try to de-clutter our surroundings first so our brains could get a virtual space to think clearly and function normally. 

Cleanse the Chakras: 

Our chakras are responsible for receiving the energy and for detoxifying the diseased energy from our energy body. The congestion of the chakras hampers the energy transmission into our body which adversely affects the functioning of our brain causing us to react impulsively in times of stress. Therefore the chakras of our energy body must be thoroughly cleansed so our mind is clear to think and react rationally. 


Meditation is another significant technique to manage our impulses as it helps us in taking charge of our heart and our mind. By doing regular mediation, we can learn the art of calming down in an instance as soon as we start feeling overwhelmed and so we must practice it on a daily basis to train our minds accordingly. 

Pranic Healing introduces us to a number of techniques through which we could learn, train and guide ourselves about various simple ways of slowing down their mind so they could think and react rationally with healthy understanding.